

最姐 最英语 2024-01-09

Cardi B 卡姐怀上了二胎!

在美国时间6月27日晚举行的2021年BET颁奖典礼上,Cardi B和老公一起登台表演时,身穿腹部镂空的刺绣的连体衣,透露了她怀二胎的消息。

随后,她也在Ins上分晒孕肚(baby bump)表示“第二胎!”语气相当激动。

消息一出,粉丝一方面感叹Cardi B身体素质真强,怀着孕还能踩着高跟鞋热舞;另一方面,也在吐槽她是真的“恋爱脑”

那些一恋爱就把全部精力和心思放在另一半身上的人,我们就可以形容ta有一个“恋爱脑”。英语可以说 swoon over  sb

swoon/swuːn/是“狂喜,痴迷”的意思。swoon over  sb就是“对某人神魂颠倒;痴迷某人”。举个例子:

Rap superstar Cardi B swoons over the womanizer.


说回Cardi B。


2017年,Cardi B和说唱组合Migos组合成员Offset秘密结婚。之后,男方三番五次被实锤出轨,甚至在Cardi B怀一胎期间被抓包约pao女网红。而Cardi B居然一次次选择了原谅,给他机会。

媒体多次曝光直言:Offset Apparently Cheated on Cardi B The ‘Entire Time’ They Were Married!


cheat on sb表示“对…不忠实”,“出轨”。注意,介词后面跟着的是被背叛的人。

CNN则比较委婉说“Their relationship has not been smooth sailing(他们的关系并非一帆风顺)。

在分分合合中,去年9月Cardi B终于提交了离婚申请,表示已经“厌倦”了Offset的“无休止出轨”和向别的女人发暧昧短信,粉丝喜大普奔。


Cardi B作为一个做过脱衣舞娘、混过黑帮、忍受过家暴、饥饿,从社会底层一路逆袭到手握多项大奖的顶流歌手,粉丝是真希望她能获得幸福啊~


Cardi B debuts baby bump at BET Awards 
Rap superstar Cardi B debuted her pregnancy Sunday night during a performance on the BET Awards with her husband Offset's rap trio Migos.
周日晚上,说唱巨星Cardi B在BET颁奖典礼上与她丈夫Offset所在的说唱三人组Migos进行表演,这是Cardi B怀孕后首次亮相。 

CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL TEM8bump/bʌmp/隆起;凸块;肿块a round, raised area on a surface or on the body【例句】Zuijie had a nasty bump on her head from when she'd fallen over. 最姐摔倒了,脑袋上磕了个大肿包。baby bump /ˈbeɪbi bʌmp/孕肚(孕妇腹部的隆起)the round shape of a woman's stomach when she is pregnant TEM8 GREtrio /ˈtriːəʊ/ /ˈtriːoʊ/三人小组;三件一套;三合一a group of three people or things 【例句】The hotel was run by a trio of brothers. 这个旅店由兄弟三人管理。【近义表达】 threesome, triad, trilogy, trinity, triumvirate
Wearing a sparkly jumpsuit with her pregnant tummy bared, the artist executed some light dance moves while the audience went wild.

拓展词汇go wild①(行为)疯狂 to behave in a very excited uncontrolled way【例句】The crowd went wild as soon as Zuijie stepped onto the stage.最姐一走上舞台,人群就疯狂起来。②狂怒to get very angry【例句】 When ZUijie heard how much it was going to cost, she just went wild.最姐一听这要花多少钱,顿时大怒。
It will the second child for the couple.
Cardi B and Offset secretly married in September 2017 at their home in Atlanta and announced the birth of their first child together, daughter Kulture Kiari, in July 2018.
Cardi B和Offset于2017年9月在亚特兰大的家中秘密结婚,并于2018年7月宣布他们的第一个孩子——女儿Kulture Kiari出生。
Their relationship has not been smooth sailing. 

拓展词汇smooth sailing一帆风顺,很顺利progress or advancement that is free from hassle and easy to achieve【例句】Organizing the event was really stressful, but it was pretty smooth sailing on the day.组织这项活动真的很有压力,但当天的活动相当顺利。
In December 2018 she announced that they had split, but they later reconciled, only to break up again in September 2020 and once again get back together.
2018年12月,Cardi B曾宣布他们已经分手,但后来和解;在2020年9月又再次分手,后来又次复合。  

CET6 考研 SAT TEM8 GRE BECreconcile /ˈrekənsaɪl/①使和谐一致;调和;协调if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptablereconcile sth with sth】It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children.他很难兼顾事业上的抱负和孩子们的需要。be reconciled (with sb)(与某人)和解,(与某人)和好to have a good relationship again with someone after you have quarrelled with them 【例句】Zuijie and her youngest sisterwere, on the surface at least, reconciled.最姐和她小妹和好了,至少表面上如此。③使接受(困难或不愉快的情况)to make someone able to accept a difficult or unpleasant situationreconcile sb to sth】 Zuijie tried to reconcile his father to the idea of the wedding.最姐试图让父亲接受她对婚礼的打算。 高考 CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFLsplit/splɪt/ ( splitting, split,split)①(使)裂开;(使)分开to (cause to) divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line【例句】Zuijie’s trousers split when she tried to jump the fence. 最姐试图翻过围栏时裤子开裂了。②使(组织、家庭等)破裂(或不和);离婚an ending of a marriage or an emotional or working relationship【例句】Have you ever thought about your action? You'll split a perfect family.你想过你的行为吗?你将会破坏一个美满的家庭。【近义辨析】rip, tear, split都有“撕裂、扯破”的意思,区别是:rip: 侧重指用力把布料等物撕开,也可指用粗暴手段把某物撕裂。tear: 最普通用词,指有意或无意地把布或纸等没接缝的材料撕开。可作引申用。split: 非正式用词,指有力的切断、劈开或撕裂的动作。 

In August 2020 she told CNN she definitely wanted more children.
2020年8月,Cardi B曾在接受CNN采访时表示她肯定想要更多孩子。



